My friend LUCID invited me to play all week long.
and day.
Catching the waves
surfing between the worlds
in and out
Blue apatite crystal
presses her smooth rounded belly
into my portal palms.
I dreamt of a leashed crocodile.
My scaled reptiled kundalini snake.
She was pulling at the leash.
Tired of restraint.

Body flowing in daily yoga practice
and I am drinking movement’s sweet sweet nectar.
The medicine more and more potent
as the years pass by.
My hips ripening each day
mirroring the oranges getting juicier.
Each breathe feels as sacred
as my first
or last.

The crocodile snake is nudging at the leash at first.
But my legs are shaking
my whole body fizzing with aliveness
and the damn gates open
and she forces herself free of her leash
and eros is pouring through my every cell.
Remembering that my body’s longing
is just life force.
The same life force that propelled me from my mother’s womb.
Unique and perfect and powerful
and there is no shame in life force.
I am done with being scared of her.
Remembering that she is ancient
she is timeless
she is divine.