You are sitting in an autumnal wood
Minding your own business
Listening to the rustle of the scorched amber mulch
Watching the burnt red trees dance in the wind.
When suddenly, with no warning,
You hear the trees whispering to you.
You can feel their roots connected under your feet
Intricate beyond words,
You can hear them communicating their wisdom with all living things
In the shadows under the damp soil all the way up through into the open crisp blue skies and beyond…
The trees elegantly manoeuvre their branches – orchestrated by Goddess Wind – and
Reveal the blueprint of their leaves,
Exposing their sacred patterns and faces and ancient symbols
On the brown mossy scales of their bark.
Your eyes grow wider as the
Seemingly random patterns of the universe
No longer seem random anymore.
The glittering trees are inviting you
Into the embrace of the Great Mother’s womb
Into a deeply connected life
Into a way of living in unison
With her cyclical natural rhythm
You accept the invitation – flowing with grace – and
Bow in awesome deference.
