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Dying in an Ecuadorian clay womb

Writer's picture: SherinsheSherinshe

A week of tantric shamanic ceremonies in a

Shakti Awakening Vision Quest led by the

phenomenally powerful and inspiring tantra teacher

Iris Disse

to prepare for:

This moment.


We circle around Temazcal in silence

The words ‘trust the process’ spiral through my eyes

And drop down into my womb

I deliver gifts to all four directions on the altar

Smudged by the Fire Chief

I get down on my knees to pray

Calling my ancestors and guides into this clay womb.


Each woman – appropriately – must be on her hands and knees

She must crawl into the abyss

Into her place in the way of things.


I am placed perfectly between

The Dance Chief of the West and the Keeper of the South

Between earth and water

Just as my body longed for.


Calling in the wisdom of the earth of the West

The grizzly bear who has the wisdom to sleep all winter

He knows the power of rest

He thinks before speaking

He does not abuse his power

And a song rises up from the earth out of my mouth

In reverence.  


Calling in the wisdom of the water of the South

The Coyote who always comes to play

He has the intelligence to find the way for our growth

And if we are blocked, he will trick us into our growth,

He knows how to be fluid

To let go

To go with ease.


Calling in the wisdom of the fire of the East

Demanding all yonis reclaim their power

All of it

Utterly, completely and wildly powerful

Growling, prowling, molten moaning

An eagle with golden feathers

All seeing all knowing

Razor sharp instinct

Close to source

Feeling a tsunami of my own strength

Roaring through me

Putting old versions of me to death

I just lay there

Dying in the clay

Sprawled belly down face down.


Calling in the wisdom of the air of the North

The white buffalo woman



Keeping the female wisdom of rituals

Dance Chief commanding and channelling and flowing

I am now floating somewhere between the worlds.  


And so it is

The calendar year of 2024 closes

And I find myself in Temazcal

The womb of the volcanic earth

In the middle of the world

My naked clay body pouring my salty waters

Into the earth’s clay yoni

In complete darkness.


Four ceremonies

One for each direction

Seven seeds each for the west, south, east and north

For the bear, Cayote, eagle and white buffalo woman.


Fire Chief penetrates clay yoni cave with his fork

And offers the dark feminine void

Huge throbbing seed stones

White hot.


We throw our offerings on the seed

And marvel at how the masculine energy sparkles  

Stars of consciousness in the ink black infinite sky

We compliment his beauty, his power, his heat,

We moan and hum in pleasure.


Everything is born from here.

The dark feminine clay void.

Penetrated by red hot masculine.


We are co-creating

As we honour this sexual dance

Of the feminine and masculine

That of creation itself.


We moan and roar

We sob into the clay earth

We taste her sweet bitterness with our tongues

She is getting so wet and slippery with our sweat

Fertile clay smeared all over our bodies, yonis, faces.


Hours pass by…

Singing of feathers in a storm








First, says Dance Chief, we pray for ourselves.

🙏🏻I pray for my blossoming

🙏🏻I pray to hear the deepest desires of my wild tender heart - and that I hear them loud and clear

🙏🏻I pray to always walk my path

🙏🏻I pray that I never make decisions from a place of fear

🙏🏻I pray to be strong, courageous, wild, and free, always

🙏🏻I pray that I stand in my power and continuously initiate the highest version of myself

🙏🏻I pray for the beautiful unfolding of my rose garden

🙏🏻I pray to continue to walk closer and closer to my truth until the day I die

🙏🏻I pray to be put to work - put me to service Great Spirit - I am here to serve

🙏🏻I pray to help mid-wife a new earth that vibrates high and conscious

🙏🏻I pray for my Queendom

🙏🏻I pray to have the poise to remain seated on my throne even in the throes of romance

🙏🏻I pray that love pours through me

🙏🏻I pray that my life is artful - and that it is a masterpiece.


Dance Chief says, now, we pray for others.

🙏🏻I pray that everyone’s basic human rights are respected

🙏🏻I pray that people find creativity and spaciousness in their lives

🙏🏻I pray that people stand still so that love can discover them

🙏🏻So that the disease of separation is cured

🙏🏻So they can walk a life of reverence

🙏🏻So that they are in romantic conversation with everything that is alive

🙏🏻I pray that people commit to walking closer and closer to their truth

🙏🏻So that they can be in their highest service

🙏🏻I pray that humanity plays, laughs and loves

🙏🏻I pray for sexy juicy peace

🙏🏻I pray that the animal kingdoms, earth and water kingdoms, survive and thrive

🙏🏻I pray for a conscious Earth

What happened thereafter is a story for another time or perhaps no other time…


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