We have been taught that our desires are somehow shameful. Audre Lorde in her incredible essay on ‘The Uses of the Erotic’ said that: ”We have been raised to fear the yes within ourselves, our deepest cravings”.
Audre Lorde says that once we begin to feel deeply into all the aspects of our lives, we begin to demand from ourselves and from our life-pursuits that they feel in accordance with the joy which we know ourselves to be capable of. This knowledge - that we are capable of profound joy and pleasure within the body - empowers us, becomes a lens through which we scrutinise all aspects of our existence.
When we feel in touch with our longing and yearnings, we give up being satisfied with suffering and self-martyrdom and compromise and numbness.
Let’s not be scared of our yearnings my friends.
When you feel a desire emerge from your beautiful body, I say FOLLOW IT.
Your desire is your teacher. A teacher of love and connection. Something that guides you to your uniqueness. Your reason for existing.
I feel there is so much unlearning we need to do in this arena of desire.
I think that our desires, when they come from a pure place of love and fulfilment (not ego or lack), are truly sacred.
We can’t DECIDE what we desire. It’s not within our control. The universe decides what we desire.
And what we want wants us back.

It feels like a delightfully benevolent omniscient puzzle where we are given clues (sometimes a whisper of a clue, sometimes a loud scream of a clue) to guide us into a deeper and deeper relationship with the divine.
If I’m really in my body (as opposed to my mind), I can almost feel the magnetic pull of the universe beckoning me towards my desires.
I believe it is a beautiful spiritual experience (and by that I mean the journey of awakening to love) to deepen our relationship with what we DESIRE.
It feels like we are dancing elegantly with the universe.
When we are mid-dance, every move we make feels like we are caught in the spotlight of the beauty and mystery of it all.

Last photo by @theferalwonder